Ognuno ha una storia da raccontare. Chi dice di non averne alcuna, in realtà sta già raccontando qualcosa.

domenica 28 aprile 2013

Tutti se ne fregano dei dizionari, prego, fiducia google translate

People these days usually don't have much money, so, in order to earn something, we work all day long, never stopping, never breathing. We don't care about a lot of far more important things, as if money had become the only way to keep them alive. In the end, we work so hard that it seems there is no time left for anything else, we're always in a hurry, we are no longer able to stop and stare at the beauty of the spring blooming, nor to feel happy seeing the smile of a child. We always run, we hardly think that maybe, if we pause just a moment, we could find the time to feel truly happy again. An italian dictum says: "The one who goes slow, goes healty and far away". Despite this, the world in this period is going soooo fast.
That is why, today, I propose you this print! I love this kind of work because it reminds me that everything needs some time to develop: if you want a certain deepness of the line, you have to wait, meanwhile you can chat with someone or draw something else.

This is a little-humile-tribute to Japan, a beautyful country. Tsuki means "moon".
I love the smoothness of the light and the warmness of the colour.

See ya!


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